Moonshires Existence
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Here's what I think...


Don'ts: Play games.
Cheat on your mate.
Say you hate something you really love.
Lose track of whats important.
Play pretend.
Don't always expect another chance.

Do's: Show how you really feel at all times.
Treat your mate with respect.
Be supportive.
Say thank you.
Realize that it is a privilage to be loved, not an obligation.

Why I don't like roads.

Not dirt roads. But the concrete roads. The ones that involve you tearing down homes, trees, and everything else.
I know that smooth tar covered roads make driving easier, but at what expense?
Trees give us oxygen. So do the flowers and the grass. But what will we breath when we take all of those away? Or when there are so few plants left that we choke on the air because there are more humans breathing then plants?
We make roads to get to places. Many times it is when new houseing is built. Why should we build more houses, involving more roads, when we already have thousands of homes unnoccupied right now. Movie stars have homes for each season. Yet many humans live on the streets. We also have the historical homes. Yes, great, they are beautiful. But why can't we capture their beauty on film and then allow people to live in those homes or tear them down and build new ones there rather then in these new housing developments.
We Don't need to keep destroying nature. We already have so much, Why not rebuild what is already here rather then letting it rot and causeing more destuction?

Do you agree or disagree with my beliefs and opinions? I'd love to hear from you. Check out my "Contact Me" page to send me e-mail.

I wish I was a little girl again... cuts and scrapes are easier to fix then broken hearts.